Sunday, September 23, 2007

Talking Points #1: McIntosh

"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" by Peggy McIntosh

This article is about...


Author's Argument:

McIntosh argues that even though equality and opportunity isn’t suppose to be just for white middle class people, but for every race. However, our society is racist on a subconscious level that we continue to allow white middle class to be the dominant power in our society.

1. In school and in society it has always been taught that racism is a horrible thing and that it puts deserving people at a disadvantage. And even though we try to fight racism and say that we as individuals are not racist, the fact remains that white people are born into a society with advantages that may or may not be deserved. (page 1 paragraph 2)

2. Whites are taught not to recognize that there is white privilege because that would lead to confrontations and then leading others to think that racism is involved. (page 1 paragraph 3)

3. We have been told that racism would end of we just changed our attitudes, but being white leads us down paths that are not necessarily paved for people of a different race, whether we approve or not. (page 6 paragraph 1)

It is hard to believe that white dominance is still happening in the twenty first century, but that is what is still occurring in our society. I want to believe that every man and woman is created equal. If this is true then why is there still the stereotype of American society being a white society? The best thing about this country is so great is that it is the land of opportunity, but if opportunity is only available, and easier to achieve for the dominant power, then this isn’t he country it says it is suppose to be.

I believe that each person should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Our society connects success to education, and that education is the most important thing, I believe that this is true considering that I am going to be a future educator, but higher learning isn’t for everyone. This country makes it impossible for anyone to be successful without a college degree. And if higher education is the only way to get ahead and for people be successful, then it should be affordable and available to anyone and everyone. Maybe this is me being naïve, and hoping for the best, but maybe there is a way that this thought could become a reality. Success, opportunity and privilege should not just be for white America, but for all of American society.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Great job working on argument and evidence here, Stephanie. I like how you paraphrase -- it shows that you can make sense of McIntosh in your own words!

LB :)